I received a call this week from a lady who was distraught over the death of her cat. Homer had passed away and now she wanted to have a funeral service for Homer, and would I be available? I told her that I was really busy but recommended a Methodist colleague just up the road. In about an hour she had called back even more distraught than before. She said she couldn’t find a minister to conduct the service for Homer. She said she had called the Methodist minister and he recommended the Presbyterian, and the Presbyterian recommended the Lutheran and the Lutheran had referred her back to me. What was she going to do? And she said, “I was going to give ten thousand dollars to the church of the minister who conducted the service.” I told her, why didn’t you tell me Homer was a Baptist the first time she called.
During prayer request time in church we have been hearing of loved ones passing. We have been attending funerals. No one enjoys a funeral. It is important to remember and vital to be ready for your passing. You are not making it to heaven through good works, gifts or your family. As you entered the world with nothing, some of us forget we are leaving with nothing.
We can take nothing with us to heaven. Be certain that through Jesus you are going to heaven. Listen to what God says and His gracious invitation. Do not be like Israel—read the passage below-they failed to listen.
In the passage in Luke, Jesus is teaching the people, but not all are listening. They have other things on their minds and have their hearts set on other things.
(1) The man wanted Jesus as a religious leader to rule in his favor. It was common practice in Israel to seek out a Rabbi or a respected religious leader and ask for a judgment. Jesus in fact is saying I will not be the judge in this case for you totally misunderstand who I am. I am more than just a judge.
- People today see Jesus in ways that are inaccurate. For example, it is common to hear people say, “Jesus is a great teacher.” Truly Jesus gave us the greatest teaching ever, but if we see that as His reason for coming we have missed the point. Jesus did not come just to teach.
- People say Jesus is an example, a model to follow. We should strive to live like Jesus. Truly Jesus lived a great life. We can attempt to emulate and model His life, but each one of us will discover, that we will not succeed. We will all fail miserably when we attempt to live in the flesh as Jesus did. We cannot.
(2) Jesus came as God in the flesh in order to provide spiritual life, eternal life, forgiveness of sin for mankind. Jesus came that we might have eternal life. Eternal life as men come to Him in faith and follow Him.
Be certain you know Jesus as your Savior for you are taking nothing out of this life and you only have eternal life with Jesus through faith.
Pastor Alan
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